Without the help of faithful volunteers, FCA KIDS would never happen! Check out below to find out how you can help serve your student's school.
FCA has multiple steps to prepare our volunteers to ensure the highest chance of safety for our FCA KIDS.
Steps to Volunteering Below:
All steps need to be completed in order to begin to serve with FCA KIDS.
All volunteers must be approved volunteers with the school system they are serving. Each school system has their own background check process for visitors.
Volunteers must also complete the FCA MLA (Ministry Leader Application).
This is a form that runs a background check through FCA's portal.
This MLA will also include some basic theology questions to get to know your faith background.
FCA KIDS MLA applicants will select the "Huddle Leader" option even if you are in a more behind-the-scenes role. FCA is hoping to update the MLA at a later date to include more options on the form.
After being approved with the school system and MLA, you will take a 60 min course to be a Mobilized Volunteer. This is a beneficial free course that will help familiarize you with FCA and our strategies. All volunteers need to complete this training, it does NOT have to be completed in one sitting.
All approved volunteers need to be in communication with their school's Huddle leader or local FCA Staff to determine their best role in serving.
There are a myriad of ways to serve in FCA KIDS. If you are a very outgoing individual we have a place for you, or if you are more reserved, there is a place for you!
Individual who helps facilitate the Huddle and coordinate volunteers/students.
Welcome all students with a kind word and smile. Prepare and keep the snack table stocked during the Huddle. (Snacks are donated by parents and FCA staff)
We need some parents simply to fill a chaperone-type role. FCA KIDS has a unique need of extra volunteers to ensure the safety of the students. Chaperones will be responsible for keeping track of students and ensuring they stay within the Huddle space for the entirety of the Huddle.
You are ready to go with the flow and help wherever it is needed.